Parasite Radio

Starting on Thursday 21st September


“Although many avant-garde artists dreamed about taking over communication channels, they ultimately succeeded by contaminating the discourse networks of their time with small irritations that were based on a creative abuse of media technologies and practices.

MUU-galleriassa ja verkossa 21.-26.9.

Parasite Radio on muutaman päivän mittainen kansainvälinen radiotaidekokeilu, jonka aikana streamataan eri tahojen yhdessä koostamia äänimaisemia avantgarde-henkeen radiomedian rajoja koetellen. Kolmen samanhenkisen festivaalin: transitio MX:n (Mexico City), City Linkin (Kööpenhamina) ja Pikseliähkyn ajoittuessa tänä vuonna päällekkäin syntyi ajatus tutkia hajauttamisen ja paikallisuuden teemoja näiden festivaalien välistä internet-radio-ohjelmaa tuottamalla. Parasite Radion ohjelma lähetetään Helsingissä Korppiradion kautta, ja luvassa on ainakin otteita eri tekijöiden ääniarkistoista, tuuleen perustuva generatiivisen musiikin ääniteos Aeolian Artefacts ja materiaalia kansainvälisen Pixelache-verkoston jäseniltä, kuten brasilialaiselta Bailuxilta.

At Muu Gallery and online 21-26th September

In collaboration with Transitio MX, City Link and Pixelache
Organized by Juan Duarte, Jon Irigoyen and Mikko Lipiäinen

Parasite Radio will be an international effort of producing streaming radio content including soundscapes and sonic experiments. While attempting follow the avant-garde spirit of creatively abusing the limits of the radio medium via online and short-range spectrums, the experiment presents collaborative alterations in the radio mediums to enable telematic appropriations of the Signals between the North and the South.

An overlapping timing (23rd – 26th of September) between the three festivals involved: Transitio MX in Mexico City, City Link in Copenhague and Pixelache in Helsinki, inspired the project organisers to make a live streaming to connect remotely these three nodes that will team up to create an expansive retransmission between the festivals that seek a decentralised and collaborative profile, while each one joining in with their own sound archives and retransmission capabilities. Hence, a sort of Sonic Virology will be spread out through the transmission of medium alterations and generative soundscapes fed through the media platforms that structure Parasite Radio as in their different global nodes.

Parasite Radio will be retransmitted in Helsinki via Korppiradio to broadcast a dynamic playlist of  sonic materials, including archives of sonic experiments by various contributors, Aeolian Artefacts (generative music experiments with wind) and material by actors from Pixelache Networks spread around the globe, such as Bailux.


Parasite Radio this week

Sadly Parasite Radio’s partner Transitio MX in Mexico City has been cancelled due the earthquakes. We send our best wishes and condolences!

Tuesday 16:00-17:00 Aeolian Artefacts live stream from Muu gallery.

Tuesday 17:00 City Link Copenhagen soundscapes.